Show Design and Safety Management
Fireworks shows, and special effects have become very popular amongst Australia’s best events. And why wouldn’t they? Of course, event managers want the most colourful and exciting and best value entertainment possible.
What prudent event managers are discovering is that there is a huge quality difference amongst providers of fireworks and special effects. Ironically it is often the major established providers who present the most expensive and most lacklustre show designs at higher costs. On the other hand, some smaller providers don’t have sufficient safety planning and resources.
Fireworks Australia considers one of the best ways to provide value and quality to our clients is to provide custom made show and effect designs in conjunction with robust and site-specific safety planning.

The Quality Assurance process we follow for each customer is basically as follows;
- Discuss with client the nature of the event, budget, expectations, and desired outcomes.
- Inspect the site to determine risks, local issues, and opportunities.
- Put together a proposal for clients that addresses their expectations, site specific issues and budget. The proposal may suggest additional options, cost savings or design ideas.
- Fireworks Australia will also note client responsibilities for the project. Examples might be security, public notices, access to site or some risk reduction measure.
- Fireworks Australia will then develop a Risk Management and client brief folder for the event. This will include a detailed safety plan, approvals, insurances, and checklists.
- Regardless of the show size, every display design is audited in house by the Operations Manager. Before a show design goes back to a client it is checked to ensure maximum value and that it reflects all the client desired outcomes and established safety concerns.
- The crew for each show is briefed in person before show day and provided with a full written procedure specific to the site.
- Strong communications are established between the crew and event managers on show day. This includes a pre-work briefing for all crew.
- Post show feedback is sought from both the crew and client for ensuring ongoing improvement and learning and to ensure events develop over time.
Fireworks Australia has more than 2000 different product lines. Every line is third party quality tested with report. It is our intention to supply the best quality fireworks. We have test video of all items and will sometimes share video with clients who are looking for specific effects.
Fireworks synchronised to music is very popular with prominent shows. Fireworks Australia can create a sound track or clients can use their own track. The show designers then convert this to a file that can be played on site that also drive the show computer systems (either directly controlled or by reading a common time code track). Fireworks Australia can also provide a PA system for small to medium shows for a small fee.
Fireworks Australia has the knowledge and hardware to link into your own PA system, accept event or production time code (all common formats), accept any type of line feed from PA desk or show call or accept manual fire instructions. We use the industry leading technology ( to digitally control every show. In addition, we can control limitless positions via wireless link and most recently by setting a start time synchronized to the GPS satellite system!
The show designers use a few of the world leading fireworks design software to create our shows. This technology allows us to carefully control timing and make vary complicated designs easy to install on show day. We sometimes build sequences for shows in a system that allows us to play them back as an animation so that we can check the design and share it with clients ( These rendered videos of show designs can be set over site images to really get an idea of how a show will look before we shoot it!
Fireworks Australia has two licenced radio frequencies for use Australia wide. This allows crew to have digital communications channel and a secured firing channel.
In spring every year Fireworks Australia hosts the industries largest trade show for fireworks and special effects. The event is open to the public and has been very popular. We invite all current and potential event clients to attend so they can see the newest and latest fireworks and special effects.
See some of the presentation from the last show on Fireworks Australia Youtube

Fireworks Events
The Fireworks Australia display team use the worlds best technology and have a system to deliver a quality event.